Mrs. Shrutika Gajanan Pawar has completed education as M.B.B.S. D.G.O. (Obstetrician Gynaecologist) and currently practicing in her own hospital named as “Arya Hospital”. Before doing the self-practice, she used to work with Government hospital for almost more than 2 years and she had superb experience from Government hospital. She has handled almost all type of complication rating to her profession.
Besides her medical background, she has certain personal qualities, both emotional and physical and that made her to succeed in this field. She has very good communication skills to interact with a woman at this vulnerable period in her life. She kept 24 hours’ services and kept herself available to any irregular hours.
Since women are the once having babies, it might seem as though the obstetrician’s gender may be a factor in choosing a doctor. After all many women may feel more comfortable with a woman to understand personally what they are going through, and this also helps her to attract almost all the patient from Shahapur towards her.